Post with an image

This starter uses Eleventy’s build-time image transformations. Find more info on and edit settings in config/shortcodes/imagePlaceholder.


{% imagePlaceholder "path to image", "alt text", "caption - optional!" %}

Or add your own sizes attribute (note how I set an empty string for the caption):

{% imagePlaceholder "path to image", "alt text", "", "(min-width:30em)  50vw, 100vw" %}

Example image with a caption

The preview for social media

An interesting caption text.


You can change the CSS for the page and blog post images in ./src/assets/css/blocks/page.css and ./src/assets/css/blocks/blog.css:

.page img {
width: 100%;
height: auto;

.blog img {
width: 100%;
height: auto;